Tuesday, May 27, 2008

*Model Search*


I am looking for GIRL MODELS
ages 9 months - 7 years old

The session fee will be complimentary and you will also recieve 1 free 8x10 of your favorite photo from the shoot. This is not a contest - I will be taking models by the first people who contact me to schedule the appointments. I will only be taking 2 girls from similar ages.

Requirements are simple. I am looking for girls with LOTS of personality and SPUNK! I prefer girls that aren't super shy, although I'm pretty good at getting the little ones to break out of their shell.

The sessions will mainly consist of photos with tutus, wraps and angel wings.
All of these things will be provided to you at my studio.
The session will be completely stylized by me.
If you would like to bring 2 outfits to have her picture done in to take advantage of the free session, you are welcome to do so.
How to Schedule for the Model Shoot:
Please email me a picture of your little one to kamivoilesphotography@yahoo.com
Send me her waist measurement and the measurement from her waist to her feet so I can make sure I have a tutu and wrap that will fit her. (Wraps will only be done for girls age 3 and older)
Include her name & age, your name, and your phone number
Also, please tell me if you prefer weekdays, weekends, daytime or evening sessions so I can see what I have available.
(If you have a daughter younger than 9 months but she is able to sit up by herself then I would be happy to book her as a model as well - I just ask that they be able to sit on their own)
*For all of you with the boys - I will be doing my boys model search next month, so stay tuned for that!*
I will update my blog when all slots have been filled!
Thanks so much!!

(Below is an example photo with 3 year old in a wrap)